Saturday, 17 February 2018

More testing at Outlon Park!

Yet another outing to Oulton Park to test the new suspension on the Z4M :)

 It was rather slippy and we spent half the day sideways but it was great fun taming the beast!

Next we are going to Polybush it using Super Pro Bushes :)

KW Clubsport Suspension Fitted

It’s a well-known fact that the OEM springs are totally wrong for the Z4M and give it a harsh crashy ride. For the track we chose to fit the KW Clubsport kit which is awesome and surprisingly much better on the road than the OEM kit!

 We were also able to lower the car a bit and add some camber (-3 deg) which looks and drives much better now!

 Before - look at the body roll!
 After with KW Clubsport Kit - Much flatter


Evolve R Alpha-n Remap

Time for a re-map for the Z4M! This time we chose the Evolve R Alpha-n which is MAFless allowing a MAF delete to give us consistent running.

The re-map kit comes with a special cable comparable of reading and writing to the ECU so you can save your original map if necessary.

We recently drove the car at Oulton Park and it was very smooth and consistent throughout the day which is what we wanted.